Code of Conduct

December 3, 2023


The dYdX community is a testament to the power of collective action in shaping the future of finance. This Code of Conduct is the foundation of our shared journey, a commitment to uphold the highest standards of integrity and respect. It defines how we interact within our community and reflects our dedication to creating an environment that is welcoming, safe, and productive for all.

dYdX Community Forum Core Values

Conduct Standards

Enforcement and Reporting

Reporting Violations

If you witness behaviour that violates our Code of Conduct, report it to the dYdX community moderators or via (Report Form) immediately.

Moderation Response

Moderators will review reports and take appropriate action, which may include warnings, temporary bans, or permanent exclusion from the governance forum.

Common Violations

  1. Disrespectful or Discriminatory Language: Using language that is derogatory, offensive, or discriminates against any group or individual based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, etc.

  2. Spamming or Advertising: Unsolicited promotion of products, services, or brands, and repetitive posting that disrupts conversations.

  3. Misinformation: Knowingly sharing false or misleading information.

  4. Personal Attacks: Direct attacks on other members, including but not limited to insults, threats, or harassment.

  5. Doxxing or Privacy Breaches: Sharing personal information of others without

  6. Manipulation or Exploitation: Attempting to deceive or exploit community members for personal gain.

  7. Violation of Policies: Engaging in activities that contravene specific policies of dYdX Trading, dYdX Foundation, or dYdX Operations subDAO.

Violation Penalties

Every community member is responsible for their actions, and adherence to our community standards is essential. To ensure clarity and consistency in handling violations, we have adopted the following streamlined penalty process:

  1. First Offense: Warning - An initial notice to the member regarding the violation, emphasizing adherence to community standards.

  2. Second Offense: Warning and Discussion with a Moderator - Involves more direct communication to understand and rectify the behavior.

  3. Third Offense: One-Week Suspension from the Governance Forum - A temporary removal to signify the seriousness of repeated violations.

  4. Fourth Offense: Permanent Ban from the Governance Forum - Final measure for continued disregard of community standards.

Appeals Process

Members who wish to appeal moderation decisions can do so by providing additional context or information for review. This can be done through our dedicated report form. To initiate an appeal, simply fill out the form and select the 4th option (appeal) in the section titled: “Are you reporting a bug, misconduct, or other issues?”

Appeal Form

This process ensures that appeals are handled systematically and fairly, with the necessary context and information to review the decision effectively.

Community Health

Regular Reviews: This Code of Conduct will be reviewed regularly to ensure that it continues to align with the community’s values and goals.

Feedback Welcomed: Community feedback on the Code of Conduct is encouraged and will be considered during each review cycle.

Community Support: Resources will be available to educate members on the Code of Conduct and the importance of maintaining a healthy community.


Your commitment to this Code of Conduct affirms your role as a guardian of the dYdX community’s ethos. Together, we can ensure that our community remains a beacon of innovation, collaboration, and respect.

Thank you for being a part of dYdX. Your contributions make a difference.