Beyond KPIs: Rewarding Passion and Unmeasurable Impact in Decentralized Ecosystems

Hey @Alucard,

Thank you for sharing such a thought-provoking post on the importance of recognising and rewarding unmeasurable impact in decentralised ecosystems. We wholeheartedly agree that a balanced approach that values measurable and unmeasurable impact is crucial for the long-term success and sustainability of projects like dYdX.

In our forum post about “Revitalising the dYdX Rewards System”, we touched upon rewarding long-term users and early adopters. After reading Alucard’s post, we realise that it’s essential to expand our focus to include those who contribute significantly to the ecosystem in less quantifiable ways, such as providing valuable community feedback, participating in forum discussions, and contributing to the general development of the protocol.

To account for these unmeasurable contributions, we suggest perhaps implementing a peer-recognition system where community members can nominate others who have made a significant positive impact on the project. This system could be integrated with the rewards mechanism, allowing users to earn rewards for their invaluable contributions to the community and the project’s soul.

Furthermore, we could introduce a “Community Builder” badge or similar recognition for those who consistently engage in forum discussions, provide constructive feedback, and help drive the project forward. This would not only reward their efforts but also encourage others to follow suit and contribute to the growth and success of the dYdX ecosystem.

Best regards,


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