[DRC] dYdX Short-Term Boost Program (STBP)

Hey Winfred, good questions all. We answered most of that in the follow up thread.

The dYdX Short-Term Boost Program Timeline - Governance/DAO Discussions - dYdX Community Forum - Governance, Proposals, and Chain Discussions

To recap:
The STBP has some overlap with the DEP, given the broad nature of DEP, but it is fundamentally different in how it operates.

Grants programs are not zero-sum but actually synergize. Two grant programs will attract way more than each one on its own.
We have seen that in Arbitrum and other DAOs. It creates more opportunities, naturally attracting more applicants for the STBP and the DEP.

Think about a street with one great restaurant versus a square with multiple great places to eat and drink. The street will be mostly empty, the square will be a thriving hub of a city.

StableLab has no say over which applications get funded.
The council can screen out bad and malicious applications and have to give a reason for doing so.
And the community decides on all applications.

We’re just operating and ensuring all Is are dotted and all Ts are crossed, plus lending our analytical microscope to the community to make sure all funds get used well.

Speaking of legal research:

This would merit some funding, soon… But this is just my opinion, and like I said, StableLab has no say what gets funded.

All power to the community.