DRC - Private Voting for dYdX Governance [2-month Trial]

Thanks for reactivating this topic, since I completely missed it earlier.

In my opinion it would be weird to not learn from the Aave experience and redo the same experiment on dYdX. Some more time has passed, so maybe @fig has more intel to share on this perspective?

I can imagine it has advantages and disadvantages, but swaying voters because of a herd mentality is something I see happening all the time already in governance and needs to be stopped anyways. Just like the abnormal abuse from validators with the “Abstain” option, which by some is used on practically every governance proposal. They seem active, but a blank vote all the time is no vote.

@RealVovochka rightfully says this is more like a hydra. We have to care about teaching people about the importance of governance, we have to tackle how validators behave in governance, we need to trigger more activity in preparing governance proposals and we need more user-participation in governance proposals in general. The end goal is quite clear, it just is the question how to start. I remember some interesting chats in here (Request for Comment - Governance Improvement Grants), maybe time to get these 2 threads together?