DYDX Liquid Staking (stkDYDX) with pSTAKE

Update on stkDYDX validator set

pSTAKE has implemented an automated on-chain data-driven delegation strategy that constantly optimizes for dYdX network decentralization.

This model will actively consider the following parameters and validator weights will be calculated on a daily basis:

  1. Voting Power - 0.05% to 5%
  2. Commission - 5% to 10%
  3. Uptime - 95% to 100%
  4. Governance Participation - 60% to 100%
  5. Part of the active set without any slashing instance

After running the initial scripts, pSTAKE would launch with 30 validators as part of the stkDYDX active set, subject to governance.

  1. Stakecito
  2. purple fog
  3. strangelove
  4. PRO Delegators
  5. Dora Factory
  6. Crosnest
  7. Nodes.Guru
  8. CryptoCrew X Defi Dojo
  9. Swiss Staking
  10. AutoStake
  11. Ledger by Meria
  12. Cosmostation
  13. Figment
  14. Staked
  15. HashKey Cloud
  16. Kingnodes
  17. Polkachu
  18. LTP
  19. ECO Stake
  20. Lavender.Five Nodes
  21. Validation Cloud
  22. Cosmic Validator
  23. Nocturnal Labs
  24. RHINO
  25. danku_zone w/ DAIC
  26. Frens
  27. Enigma
  28. Meria
  29. Coinhall
  30. Skycatcher

Being a strong force for decentralization on every network pSTAKE is live on will be always be a priority for stkTokens, including stkDYDX.