Hello dYdX Community!
We would like to thank the Interchain Labs team (formerly Skip Protocol) for their valuable contributions and support during this transition phase. The dYdX Operations subDAO has been collaborating closely with them and other collaborators to be able to successfully assume the role of the market mapper operator.
As you may know, the Interchain Labs team was selected via Governance Proposal #163 to serve as the market map operator. This role involves actively maintaining and updating market parameters (and associated oracle sources) for markets listed through “Instant Market listings” on the dydx.trade front end, and updating such parameters for existing markets listed through this process.
The dYdX Operations subDAO will post an on-chain proposal to add our dYdX Chain address as a Market Map Authority. We will reduce the revenue share for the market map updater from 10% to 0%. In other words, this means that the dYdX Operations subDAO won’t be collecting any revenue from new and previously listed markets.
dYdX Operations subDAO.