Validator Intro - DELIGHT LABS

Gm dYdX community from DELIGHT LABS!

DELIGHT LABS is a technology-driven company located in South Korea, and we have been dedicating ourselves to decentralized ecosystems since 2018. Our expertise encompasses many areas, including operating validators, building Dapps, and developing the network’s core.

We host our validators, nodes, and IBC relayers on cloud-based servers in Seoul and N. Virginia. Currently, we are actively running validators for approximately ten networks on Cosmos interchain, including other notable networks like SKALE Network and Threshold. Moreover, we also operate additional nodes and testnet validators on a few networks, such as Axelar and Ethereum, to support IBC relayers and perform data analytics. To ensure reliable support, we implemented a monitoring system that provides 24/7 support and alerts for voting tracking. Our endless efforts are our determination to make sure of all of them. We always keep an eye on our services to provide the best and most reliable validator experience.

As a technical partner, our team played a pivotal role in building the core of the XPLA Chain. The XPLA Chain is a network that aims to become a blockchain gaming platform, and the main functionalities we developed are EVM compatibility and its tokenomics. Additionally, we have created noteworthy Dapps like Terraswap (, which have gained significant popularity among users. We have cultivated a deep understanding of decentralized exchanges through extensive research and development, further solidifying our expertise in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, and we believe that dYdX stands out as a leading platform in this space.

Given our extensive experience and knowledge, DELIGHT LABS is confident that we can bring valuable achievements to the dYdX network through our contributions. We eagerly look forward to becoming part of this network and collaborating with you all.

If you want to know more about us, please do not hesitate to reach us via: