Thank you, Joanna and Callen, for the well-thought-out proposal. It makes a lot of sense to have two technical roles in order to run the indexer and deploy the front-ends seamlessly. This will help kickstart the decentralization of the protocol. I like the idea of auditing the DAO, as there have been disputes in the past. Having an independent third-party review the books and on-chain transactions will provide the community with peace of mind. The increase in the number of trustees is very welcome. With this change, I would like to take the opportunity to express my interest in becoming a trustee of the dYdX Operations Trust. Allow me to share a brief introduction about myself:
I first learned about crypto in early 2017. The space back then, as it is now, was full of scams, and centralized exchanges were either being hacked or were running away with customer funds. If you liked margin trading, the number of “secure” exchanges was very limited, and the fees to keep margin positions open were exorbitant. However, in late 2019, I came across dYdX. Compared to most exchanges, dYdX was self-custodial, which eliminated the risk of fund mismanagement or theft. There was even a lend/borrow pool available where you could earn interest, which was quite neat. The exchange was perfect for me, I had both self-custody and could keep positions open for weeks/months. In early 2020, I joined the official Discord server, you can find my history under userID:
V3 came along and with that a lot of attention. dYdX was ahead of the curve and swiftly positioned itself as a DEX behemoth (though a semi-DEX would be a more accurate description). I consider myself fortunate to have qualified for the top-tier airdrop of +9.5k DYDX. I have actively engaged in governance and advocated for reducing trading rewards as well as getting more of the dYdX ecosystem on-chain. You can review my activity here:
Having a background in finance and accounting, including accounts payable, could be beneficial as a trustee, considering that reviewing and approving outgoing payments is part of the responsibilities. I would be happy to share best practices and contribute to streamlining this process.
Thank you for taking the time to read through all of this and considering me as a potential trustee. If you have any questions, please feel free to DM me here or on Discord.