Request for Comment - Governance Improvement Grants

Hey all ā€“ pitching in my 2 cents here as a Community Grantor

@RoboMcGobo presents a critical series of questions that we have been thinking about as we gather community insights. Personally, I think that all of the responses are extremely valuable and should be considered with equal weighting from each commenter.

With the advent of v4, I echo the importance of a smooth transition of sound governance procedures that enhance transparency and decentralization. I think there are some golden nuggets in this thread on achieving such goals! The DGPs most recent batch addresses some of this: October '23 Update and I encourage everyone to take a look.

The comments I have quoted below stuck out to me as the most present, and we would like to gather more information on them and encourage more feedback.

Some thoughts:

  • I love the idea of implementing a community centric delegate program - and one that reduces risks associated with voting power concentration. I think it is also good to keep in mind that things are very early in v4, and that this concentration and its negatives are a type of growing pains that will progressively fall away with time. Either way, for true decentralization, we will need a framework for ensuring/managing it.

Some questions:

  • A clear question has presented itself here: how do we incentive align these initiatives without sacrificing quality contributors? I think the solution proposed by @swmartin19 is a great start, but iā€™d be curious to gauge the community on how this could be improved to create a proper rewards system? Perhaps a sort of retroactive mechanism could be useful here to base this more on merits.

Thanks :slight_smile: