Excellent work, Craig!
This is a comprehensive overview of dYdX’s finances for Epoch 22. Profitability, revenue, and expenses are all included. Besides the assets and liabilities, the report also tells you how dYdX is doing.
I have some specific feedback on the report:
- It’s well-written and easy to understand.
- It’s well-organized and concise.
- dYdX’s finances are outlined in the report.
- As a stakeholder I appreciate the information that I’m seeing here.
- The report doesn’t mention dYdX’s competitors. This information would be helpful in understanding the challenges that the company faces and how it is positioned to compete in the market.
Here are some additional changes that I may suggest:
- I would make the report more visually appealing by using charts and graphs to illustrate the data.
- Using shorter paragraphs and simpler language would make the report more readable.
- It’d be nice if the report had a conclusion that summarized the key findings and recommended next steps.
That’s all
Keep it up!