[DRC] Launch Incentives Season 1 - Distribution Proposal

We apologize for the delay in publishing the on-chain proposal. This being the first proposal of this scale, involving a significant number of transactions, has presented us with technical hurdles in both the test transaction phase and the final on-chain phase, causing delays in its execution. We are actively working to resolve these issues together with the DGP (who are sponsoring this on-chain proposal) and will provide updates as soon as they are resolved.

Please be assured that the rewards will be distributed as initially planned.

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Too long a delay ,Too long a delay

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I understand chaoslab needs more time to make their first distribution since it’s $20m not $20.

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I’m curious about how chaoslab’s wash trading detection works, but I’m also curious about how realvovochka’s algorithm works.

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Proposal should go forward with accounts that aren’t suspected of illegitimate activities as it is already far behind schedule, but there shouldn’t be a free pass because the punishment for disobeying rules aren’t in place. The accounts that are suspected should have their specific distribution withheld until a plan is made to prove legitimacy, and the consequences if necessary.


The delay raises suspicions that rewards will not be distributed

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Update - We anticipate the proposal will be ready to go live on Monday, January 29th.

We will keep the community informed of any changes if such arise.


it means the dalay of the season2’s rewards of will not too long?

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Thank you for raising this important topic. We believe ChaosLabs is doing their very own analysis, and has clearly arrived at a different outcome.

We would appreciate if the substantial concerns from @RealVovochka would be taken seriously and incorporated into future calculations.

Thanks to @chaoslabs for working through the technical challenges. We’re looking forward to the proposal going live today.

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Thank you for your support; I trust the wash trading detection mechanism implemented by Chaos Labs, and my analysis was intended as a complement to their work. I understand that in the current environment, where liquidity on V4 is lower than on V3, there may be instances of false wash trading signals. We must be extremely cautious with the sanctioning of rewards. My posts were an attempt to discuss the current situation and assist Chaos Labs in adjusting their program to better serve the diverse interests of the dydx user groups. Chaos Labs has reached out to me, and I hope that my assistance and insights will help refine the reward distribution in future seasons to be more accurate and equitable

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Hello, so what’s up with the distribution of rewards? As far as I understand, no one knows anything, and there is no promised information, not to mention distribution.

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The distribution is here. Although proposal date seems unknown. Was supposed today

This is somehow very strange, it looks like a scam. :rofl:


my momma always said “don’t say you’ll be there in 5 min if you don’t mean you’ll be there in 5 min.” i’m more crypto rich than her (lol) but she is richer in WISDOM.


Your mother is a smart woman. They say here, don’t say “gop” until you’ve jumped over. This means you don’t have to speak ahead of time before it happens.


The proposal for rewards distribution is now live - Mintscan

We want to thank the community for your patience and look forward to seeing the participation in the vote.


Thank you for all your hard work, God bless.

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Guys this delay in rewards distribution is a total lack of respect to the community and contributors that helped you build and improve your product. Communication and support has been awful. This looks indeed like a scam


This is the 3rd vote, recalculate the seven-day average price of the token to 2.764 USD, the old price is invalid 2.942 USD.

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The first two votes were unsuccessful for Season 1 rewards. You decided to launch the next one, so I understand it will also be unsuccessful. So why do you need higher voting at all if you have introduced incentives for trading on the v4 protocol?