[DRC] Proposal for dYdX Protocol v3.0 Upgrade

Dear dYdX Community,

We have some updates regarding the dYdX Chain Protocol 3.0 upgrade.

We would like to inform you that dYdX Chain Protocol 3.0 binaries are expected to be released by the end of this week.

Draft Release Notes can now be found here: Releases · dydxprotocol/v4-chain · GitHub

On the dYdX Chain vote deposit window is up to 2 days, and the voting period is 4 days.
Following this and some previous feedback, we suggest initiating voting on Monday, Jan 22nd, with a target block height for the upgrade around Monday, Jan 29 afternoon UTC, allowing the community to have enough time to vote and prepare for the upgrade.

We express our sincere gratitude for your active participation and commitment.
dYdX Operations SubDAO