dYdX Operations subDAO 2024 Review


The dYdX Operations subDAO wants to say thank you to the dYdX Community for the trust and support during the past year. Looking back, we had a rewarding year where we overcame various obstacles and attained many achievements. We can proudly share that we have completed most of the 2nd Mandate deliverables much ahead of schedule and have been confirmed for a 3rd Mandate by the dYdX Community. We are looking forward to a fresh start in 2025 and have big plans for the Ops subDAO to further enhance the community-owned dYdX Chain infrastructure.

Let’s review some of the highlights of 2024:

iOS and Android launches

In 2024, the Ops subDAO supported the deployment of the community-owned iOS and Android mobile applications for trading on the dYdX Chain.

  • Android

The official dYdX Chain Android app was installed on over 10,000 active devices in 2024, received more than 40 reviews, and currently holds an average rating of 3.885★ out of 5 on Google Play.

  • iOS

In the past 365 days, the official dYdX Chain iOS app was downloaded over 25,000 times, generated 132,000 impressions, and achieved a 39.6% conversion rate. Its current rating is 4.7★ out of 5, with over 500 total ratings and over 20 written reviews.

dYdX Chain upgrades

In over a year of operations, dYdX Chain had several state breaking chain upgrades. In other words, these upgrades required validator to update at the same block height, as specified via a dYdX Community governance proposal, or there will be a chain halt. The Ops subDAO facilitated communications channels among validators and provided technical guidance to facilitate smooth upgrades.

Signotifier – Emergency Alerting System launches

The engineering team of the Ops subDAO developed a custom emergency alerting system for validators of the dYdX Chain. This system enables customizable alerts to be sent to all or individual validators in emergency situations without relying on costly third-party services.

Transition to the Digital Operations Foundation

Additionally, in 2024, we initiated and concluded a restructuring of our legal entities. The dYdX Operations Trust (DOT) was terminated and itsassets and functions have been transferred to the Digital Operations Foundation (DOF). As specified in the related governance proposal, the directors of the DOF are former trustees of the DOT. The supervisor of the DOF is the enforcer of the DOT. The organizational documents of the DOF (Link to card) are published on the Ops subDAO website [insert link] and are consistent with those of the DOT, with minor adaptations to accommodate requirements as a Cayman Islands limited company.

The current structure of the legal entities is as follows:

Team Growth

In 2024, we welcomed 2 new additions to the Ops subDAO and a few changes within the trustees and directors.

Rudi Mocnik and Ben Wallace joined as contributors, exceeding all expectations and enabling the Ops subDAO to effectively deliver on the 2nd Mandate and go beyond the original scope of the 2nd Mandate to enhance the community-owned infrastructure.

In January 2025, Elvin Sababi will join the Ops subDAO as Legal Counsel, filling an important gap in the team. With a full-time Legal Counsel, we will be fully equipped to navigate the complex web3 regulatory landscape in our 3rd Mandate.

Additionally, in January 2025, Dimitar Petkov will rejoin the Ops subDAO after a 5-month sabbatical. We are excited to welcome back one of our founding team members and look forward to his contributions.

During the first quarter of 2024, DOT trustees, Flipside, Chaoslabs, and Callen, resigned from their roles. We want to thank them again for all of their work for the Ops subDAO with a special shoutout to Callen who has been instrumental during the first 6 months of the 2nd Mandate. Luckily, we were able quickly to engage with high quality candidates to fill this gap, including Shaun Musuka from Steakhouse, Bernard Schmid from Areta.io, and Valentin Prossliner who is also the Ops lead of the Ops subDAO to enable streamlined operations. Huge kudos to all of the directors for creating a great support structure to the Ops subDAO contributors.

3rd Mandate

Recently, the dYdX Community approved, via a governance proposal, the 3rd Mandate of the Ops subDAO until January 2028. We are proud to be entrusted by the dYdX Community.

Our meta goal for 2025 is to continue to level up. Leveling up in all the areas of our mandate, whether technical, communications or internal operations.

Look forward to a more detailed outlook on what 2025 has in store for the dYdX Operations subDAO.

Thank you for your continued participation and support during 2024.

dYdX Operations SubDAO


Thank you for the report.
Any news about cost optimization of the Indexer? Last monthly payment was over 200k


Hi @RealVovochka,

Due to the surge in traffic and users after the dYdX Unlimited Launch the Indexer infrastructure cost increased as you have rightly noticed.

We are constantly looking at the infrastructure configuration and trying to optimize for cost, that said, given that the usage is growing the goal for us is not an absolute reduction of the cost but slowing the increase.

I hope this answers the question.

I disagree with the notion that the number of users or traffic overall has increased. Sure, the technical infrastructure may have become more complex, but the reason is definitely not due to increased traffic.

And we all know who is responsible for the majority of the trading volume. It’s definitely not the mythical retail traders who emerged after dYdX Unlimited. Let’s call a spade a spade and use accurate statistics.


Hi @RealVovochka,

Sorry for the late reply here.

If I understand your query correctly this is the number of order matches = trades executed on the dYdX Chain.

The indexer is ingesting not only trades but also all the orders, as well as serving that data to all users who access the either the web front end at dydx.trade or the mobile applications. The traffic generated by users opening the frontend or the applications is also contributing to the AWS cost.

Meaning the cost of the indexer infrastructure is not determined by the number of trades or orders but also by how many people are using / opening / looking at the different frontends the Indexer is serving.

I hope this clarifies this a bit.

That being said we are looking into optimizing the contract with AWS for the new traffic demands and hope to save cost that way.

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Hi Valentin. Thanks for the explanation—I already heard from another source that the number of orders has roughly doubled. I’d like to believe this isn’t some kind of spam attack by professional market players. I think @mev_council should probably clarify what’s going on. This definitely doesn’t look like the “retail” activity we were hoping to attract flooding the mempool.
My concerns are that the overall increase in architectural complexity, along with new features like instant market listings, has led to a significant rise in costs, yet our trading volumes are still lower than they were in March 2024

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