Smart Contract Wallet on dYdX V4

Hi, I’m looking for information about creating a smart contract wallet to open, manage, and close positions on dYdX V4. A few questions:

Does the dYdX V4 support cosmwasm smart contracts?
If so, can I open, view, and close positions using that smart contract?

Are there any ways to directly manage a dYdX V4 account from an Ethereum mainnet smart contract?
Ie. are there going to be any interfaces to the dYdX V4 chain from the Ethereum mainnet I could use to accomplish my goal?

What infrastructure will exist for passing information between the Ethereum mainnet and dYdX V4? I assume there will be some bridges with arbitrary message passing?

Are there any other tools, in the Cosmos ecosystem, or in general that might be useful for this purpose?

Also, any thoughts or information related to what we are trying to build would be much appreciated!