Syncing the indexer of a snapshot

Hey there

I am looking into getting up a local indexer, however it seems there is no way to backfill blocks as they get fed into the Kafka stream as they come in.

This obviously is a major hurdle as you need to sync from block 1 and should you ever miss a block in the indexer your have to start from scratch.

Is there a better solution? Please advise.

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Hi, @dr-smo

I’m afraid currently the way forward would be to sync from block 1.

Are you trying to deploy your own indexer on AWS?

One way to avoid having to resync on missed blocks is by assuring you have regular database snapshots.

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Thanks, that is what I figured. I can take care of the DB snapshots however I was wondering if there is a place where periodic tendermint snapshots up to certain heights live (eg up to block 1m, 2m etc…)

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Hey, @dr-smo

I don’t think I’ve seen such snapshots on any of the endpoints on mainnet resources page…

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got it up and running and waiting for it to sync. was quite a pain to set up both locally and especially on an x86 server. Lmk if you are interested in feedback.

Otherwise eagerly awaiting the current block so we can integrate v4 on

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That’s impressive, I’d very much like to learn more bout your journey!
How about we jump on a call next week?
DM me if there’s no convenient time slot, or if you think of a better way for that.

Hi there . I’m trying to reproduce your journey.

I deployed Indexer locally and configured full node to use kafka from Indexer.

As far as I know, the only way to synchronize Indexer is to run full node from the beginning without using a snapshot. But when I tried to run fullnode, I got the error message “panic: the set of validators is empty after initialization, please make sure that at least one validator is initialized with delegation greater than or equal to DefaultPowerReduction ({824645257696})”. Have you ever faced the same problem?

Hey HI , I am setting up dydx v4 indexer locally with my locally deployed indexer, everything is running , i am also getting data on vulcan and ender topic , but data is not populating on postgres. Could you help me , how did you setup indexer ?

thanks in advance !!

Hey Nico !!

how did you fix the problem of indexer not producing data on postgres ??
currently i am facing this problem with my locally deployed full node, any help would be highly appreciated .

Hi everyone. Regarding issues described above it was the worst experience ever to get it sync from scratch. It would be better for everyone if this indexer worked similar to Injective indexer which is much easier to sync and maintain.

For anyone who is tired with sync issues and all difficulties related to dYdX Indexer we made it available for $960/month on Allnodes (available in 24 hours and will be fully synced).