dYdX Chain Q1 2024 User Support Progress Report

Top Stats:

First Contact Resolution Rate: 75%

First Response Time: 11 minutes

Most addressed Languages: English, French, Chinese

Cases Handled: 2160 chats

Satisfaction: 92% CSAT score

Most Addressed Cases: Deposit delays, Feature requests, Withdrawal delays


Greetings to the dYdX community! As we reflect on the first quarter of 2024, we’re excited to share our user progress report highlighting the strides we’ve made in providing exceptional support and experience.

CS Metrics:

Throughout Q1 2024, we meticulously monitored various CS metrics, including:

  • Chat Volume: The total number of chats initiated by users seeking assistance or information through the support channels within the first quarter.
  • Inquiry Types: Categorization of user inquiries based on their nature or topic, such as account-related queries, technical issues, feature requests, etc.
  • CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score): The satisfaction level of users based on their feedback after interacting with the User Support via ACX International.
  • FCR (First Contact Resolution): The percentage of customer inquiries or issues that are resolved during the initial interaction with support agents, without requiring any further follow-up.
  • Most Addressed Ticket Languages: The languages predominantly used by users when submitting support tickets or inquiries, indicating the linguistic diversity of the user base.
  • First Response Time: The average time taken by User Support staff to respond to user inquiries for the first time.
  • Most Reviewed Help Center (HC) Articles: The articles or resources in the Help Center that receive the highest number of views or interactions from users seeking self-service solutions or information.

These metrics remained steadfast within our desired benchmarks, showcasing our unwavering commitment to user satisfaction.

Common Trends (Incidents):

During this period, we encountered a few incidents and outages. However, we’re delighted to report that our dedicated User Support team swiftly tackled these challenges, ensuring minimal disruption for users. Noteworthy cases were resolved efficiently, with recurring issues promptly identified and addressed.

Challenges and Process Enhancements:

Training & Knowledge: As this was the first quarter of full trading enabled on the dYdX Chain and with new features and components in the latest release, we conducted comprehensive training and knowledge-sharing sessions to ensure uniform expertise across the Support team.

Continuous Team Evaluation: Regular performance evaluations and feedback sessions with customer support team members to identify strengths and areas for development, leading to continuous improvement in service quality.

Enhancing Operational Efficiency: Streamlining the ticketing system to prioritize and resolve customer issues promptly, reducing response times and improving overall customer satisfaction.

Documentation: Deployment of a comprehensive knowledge base for dYdX Chain tickets to User Support agents, facilitating swift access to relevant Information and resources, thereby empowering consistent and precise user assistance.

Reporting and Data: To enhance our understanding of user queries, we implemented measures to collect more accurate data, allowing us to focus our efforts on areas requiring improvement, such as development and product documentation.

Ongoing Initiatives & Upcoming Changes and Updates:

We’re focusing on enhancing transparency and fostering clearer communication between our teams, including developers, marketing, and support staff. This leads to smoother collaboration and improved outcomes for dYdX users.

This refers to setting up a structured method for communication between backend development teams (those responsible for maintaining and updating the website and its features) and the User Support team. By keeping the Support team informed about upcoming changes, we’ll be proactive in addressing potential user questions or concerns before they arise. This can lead to a decrease in the number of interactions users need to have with the User Support team because they’ll have clearer information and guidance readily available.

On the other hand, regularly updating our FAQs based on analysis of frequently handled cases in user support ensures our information remains relevant. By identifying common issues, the User Support team will promptly help the marketing team to address the FAQs. This proactive approach reduces the need for additional support interactions and enhances the overall customer experience. Ultimately, it demonstrates our commitment to providing timely and helpful assistance.

We’re also working on making incident management faster and more efficient. This means resolving any issues or disruptions more quickly to minimize any impact on users’ experience. We’ve established a procedure within the User Support team to efficiently manage incidents and outages in a timely manner. This involves implementing a tiered response system, where incoming issues are promptly assessed and categorized based on severity. For instance, critical incidents that directly impact user access or functionality are immediately escalated to a dedicated response team equipped to address them swiftly. Simultaneously, regular updates are provided to users through various communication channels, keeping them informed about the situation and the steps being taken to resolve it. By streamlining our incident management process and ensuring rapid response times, we aim to minimize any disruptions to users’ experience and maintain the reliability of the User Support platform.


In conclusion, the first quarter of 2024 marked significant progress in user support initiatives at dYdX. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the community for their valuable patience and feedback and unwavering support. Rest assured, we remain steadfast in our dedication to continuous improvement, striving to deliver an unparalleled dYdX experience for all users.

Thank you for your continued trust in dYdX. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact our User Support team.


Thanks for the info!

1 Like

Very commendable. You must have good managers ))

Thank you for the regular user support updates. A few key points to highlight:

  • Data points are great and help with less discussable and biased decisions.
    Keep data and user feedback coming! Large samples of user feedback are a gift.

  • Most user support cases seem to relate to deposit and withdrawal functionality.
    This is valuable feedback that product teams should take note of and focus on improving.

  • It may also signal that the core functions of the protocol are intuitive and working as designed, which is an encouraging sign.