# dYdX Operations subDAO Update #2

dYdX Operations subDAO Update #2


  1. New Website and Logo - dydxopsdao.com

  2. dYdX Operations Services Ltd (DOS)

  3. Ready for genesis
    a) Genesis will occur on October 26th, 2023
    b) Announcements to follow about the Alpha Stage post-Genesis (Bridging and Staking)

  4. Community Town Hall tl;dr

1. New Website and Logo

After great feedback for our reworked Notion website last month, we decided to continue to iterate on our online presence and moved this to webflow, allowing us to host our blog posts and allow for greater customizability and professionalism. The website is live and can be found at dydxopsdao.com, along with a redesign of the dYdX Operations subDAO logo. We are delighted with the direction the design has taken and are committed to continuously improve the website, adding to the content about the dYdX Operations subDAO.

2. dYdX Operations Services Ltd. - DOS

In the last update, we mentioned the incorporation of a Cayman-exempted company, dYdX Operations Services Ltd. (DOS), a subsidiary of the dYdX Operations Trust, and, as such a legal entity controlled by the dYdX Operations subDAO.

The DOS will be holding all the contractual relationships with vendors, contractors and ecosystem partners to streamline day to day operations. Invoices and the corresponding payments will go through the DOS and no longer through the DOT.

Funds from the DOT multisig will be transferred to the DOS multisig - 0x6cf34d8c190e9102129301Ad13f4505FfE32B3c1. The DOS multisig is controlled by Christoph (trustee), Dimitar (TPL), and Valentin (OL). The transfers will be quarterly and cover the expected quarterly expenses incurred by the dYdX Operations subDAO.

3. Ready for dYdX Chain Genesis

dYdX Trading has open sourced the code for the dYdX Chain. We are happy to announce that Genesis of the dYdX Chain will occur on October 26. Congratulations to the whole team and extended dYdX ecosystem that has supported this milestone. We are excited for what is to come for the dYdX Chain and the dYdX ecosystem as a whole.

We will keep everyone up to date regarding the developments of the dYdX Chain. Please also check out our previous forum post about dYdX Chain Genesis, and the Alpha, and Beta stages.

4. dYdX Community Town Hall tl;dr

We hope you enjoyed the dYdX Community Town Hall yesterday!

tl:dr from the Town Hall;

:sparkles: dYdX open-sourced the dYdX Chain code

:chains: Genesis is planned for Thursday, 26 October

:bridge_at_night: Stay tuned for an announcement about the Public Bridge Front End

:lock: The Alpha period starts once the Public Bridge Front End is live

The transition from the Alpha stage to the Beta stage hinges on the stability and security of the dYdX Chain network, and the readiness of the indexer infrastructure, among other factors.

:desktop_computer: The Beta Period commences once sufficient DYDX is staked to dYdX Validators and pending a successful governance vote

As the Beta stage draws to a close, the dYdX community may contemplate introducing additional reward and incentive programs to stimulate more liquidity and activity

:tada: Full Production of the dYdX Chain will launch with full trading capabilities and incentives, after set parameters from the Beta Stage are confirmed and pending a successful governance vote

Look out for the Town Hall recording and official announcement tomorrow about Genesis :movie_camera:

Stay tuned for official dYdX Operations subDAO announcements on October 26th regarding and further information on Alpha and Beta stages on our blog and twitter - but we will also crosspost to the forum.


I just checked out the new website and read the latest update - fantastic job! The site looks sleek, and the logo is spot on.

Exciting times with the dYdX Chain Genesis almost here. Kudos to everyone for hitting this massive milestone. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next, especially during the Alpha and Beta stages.

Thanks for keeping us all in the loop. Keep up the great work!


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