Validator Introduction - Crypto Lion

Hello everyone,

We’ve already introduce our validator here, if you want to read more humble style please have a look :slight_smile: :heart:

Entity name and location
Crypto Lion, Turkiye.

Infrastructure location
Various locations in the regions of cloud providers, mainly in Germany.

What kind of hardware do you run? Baremetal, cloud-based…? In what geographic regions?
It depends on the chain requirements. We prefer bare-metal NVMe SSD solutions for important positions on the active sets, for the growing validators we mostly start with virtualized solutions min 4 vCPU, enough NVMe SSD storage, and a minimum of 16GB of RAM then move it based on its rank.

Technical make-up of team (elaborate on no. of dev ops engineers, experience, etc.)
I’m a full-stack developer working on WEB technologies since 2017 professionally. Our team has also one DevOps engineer, another computer engineer, marketing experts, and social media influencers in the field of crypto for years. We all put our effort together to make Crypto Lion better.

Years of experience
I’m a full stack professional developer, graduated in Computer Engineering and actively working since 2017 in the sector. Since I am mainly a WEB developer, I have many experiences about how to securely run Linux servers. Additionally, our group members have at least 5 years of experience in their fields.

What other networks are you running validators for?
We started validating on Crypto Org Chain in 2021 and after one year we decided to serve other cosmos networks and was the second network we have been to. Iris, Band, Decentr, Shentu, Desmos, Ki, Gravity Bridge, Lum Network, Medibloc, E-Money, Crescent, Comdex, and recently Mars Protocol have followed it.

Based on your participation in any previous testnets, mainnets, are there any best practices to be aware of? What are some things that made previous testnets, mainnet launches successful and/or things to avoid that have gone poorly?
Cosmos-based blockchains give so much flexibility to the node runners but at the same time if you are not aware of what you are doing could be dreadful for the chain security. The validator should focus on signing blocks with good performance and good uptime without hassle with the best security practices. Node owners should have good monitoring systems, security checklists, and maintenance cycles. The validator key should’ve been managed by security solutions like TMKMS or Horcrux. The sentry architecture should support security and help with plan B.

Do you have a validator voting framework and process?
We are using Cosmos Notifier to get news and internally using Authz module(if chain supports) for security reasons to understand, participate and make a final decision for proposals.

Are you planning to play any additional roles in the dYdX ecosystem (e.g. market maker, trader, indexer, front-end, other)?
We can run Full nodes, also we are planning to run IBC relayers between our networks.

Are there other products or services you want to highlight that could be relevant for dYdX?
Token stakers loves auto compounding, so we tend to be an operator for retake app for the chains we are in the active set on Cosmos.

Any notable contributions in other ecosystems that you would like to highlight for the community?
We are supporting testnets on the networks we are in. Local communication channels plays a big role in crypto projects ever since they exist. So we have been always aware of this and we are trying to be as active as we can on Twitter. We are preparing some giveaways from time to time and meeting our delegators.