A Notice on Forum Safety and Value

Hi dYdX Community,

I want to address some important matters and share essential safety tips with you.

Support Requests and Technical Issues:

We’ve observed an increase in support-related threads here. Please note that such queries are beyond the scope of this governance forum. Our mission is to drive governance and development within the dYdX ecosystem. For support on the dYdX Chain, use our official helpdesks:

For assistance from our community join our Discord: dYdX

Support-related forum posts may be removed to maintain focus on governance discussions.

Bad Actors and Scammers Alert:

We’re actively investigating and suspending accounts that impersonate dYdX staff or promote fake support services. These bad actors often contact users who’ve posted support threads in the forum.


  • dYdX staff will never DM you first.

  • Always verify links before clicking. The official helpdesk link is always available via dydx.trade → More → Help.

  • dYdX will not ask you to sign transactions, interact with unverified smart contracts, request funds, or private information like keys or passwords.

  • We don’t promoteairdrops” or “rewards claiming” via direct messages.

Safety Tips & Feedback:

Your vigilance is our asset, please:

  • Utilize the flag feature, now available to everyone, to report any suspicious activity or guidelines violations. You can find this function under each post, represented by a flag icon. It’s a critical tool in our collective effort to maintain the forum’s integrity.

  • Fill out the forms below for feedback and support, which are crucial for our safety and improvement.

  1. Feedback & Suggestions Form: Feedback Form
  2. Forum Support Request Form: Forum Support Form
  3. Report Form: Report Form

Together, we can maintain a secure and productive forum. Thank you for your cooperation.

Stay vigilant and safe,


Can this be incorporated in the screen where you create a new thread?

This topic will most likely disappear over time, but if it is shown on the topic-creation page it is very clear every time someone (new people or not) creates a topic.


We would also suggest that users with a certain level of activities (by utilizing the Discourse badge system) should be able to post topics. Any users should be able to post replies, though.

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How about posting it at the top of the page?
It will remain visible until press the X button.

The below image is an example of Astar network.
A three-column layout with hamburger button, with breakpoints properly set, is also sophisticated.(img resolution is 2560x1440)

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Hi everyone, thank you for your suggestions and feedback!

@LeonoorsCryptoman, that’s an excellent suggestion. I’m exploring ways to include a reminder or rules disclaimer box when creating a new topic or commenting. If you have specific ideas on implementation, please share via the feedback form or contact me directly.

@tane , I appreciate your input. While restricting posting to users with certain activity levels is interesting, it might limit valuable contributions from new, yet important, community members. I’m considering a cooldown period to manage spam, and will also review the trust level 0 restrictions.

@ARIA, thanks for the suggestion. We’re cautious about overusing the global pin function to avoid overwhelming users. The idea is to pin only critical updates, but I’ll keep your feedback in mind for our upcoming Community Guidelines review.

Please continue to share your feedback and suggestions using the form shared above. Your input is crucial


I’ve send you a DM :slight_smile:

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Hi @Stan,

Thanks for your reply.
And I saw the redesigned top page.
I see, you were planning to place a hero image and search bar on the top banner.
Absolutely cool layout.


Hi @ARIA ,

Thank you for the kind words! It’s great to hear you like the new look and features!