Applicant Name: Daniel Hwang
Applicants dYdX Address (for compensation): dydx1p8n8nukeu2y2lgw6yuh4z9y9dg5lk77dtgq74h
Link to something you’re proud of:
(I can’t post more links here so here is a google doc hash address): [dot com] /document/d/1MJAwF-F0QDaSyDqEAn1_CwlCzNg7R8zFMCokbU2_2nA/
Pitch Summary (One-liner):
I respect the DyDx ecosystem for taking such proactive and serious steps towards decentralization of the network and its governance process and would love to contribute my experience in PoS protocol management, governance, and ecosystem development to the continued maturation of the ecosystem.
Detailed Pitch:
Please tell us why you should be part of the council of experts:I contributed much to this process and helped shape a lot of governance processes in PoS since what have included: the first validator working group (Validator Commons), Infrastructure Conferences for validators (Blockchain Infrastructure Forum), validator specific governance workshops, and more governance related workshopsPlease tell us why you should be part of the council of experts.
I have extensive tenure across the blockchain ecosystem including: infrastructure service providers, L1 ecosystem development, DEX building, piloting permissioned blockchains in enterprise, DAO set up, NFTs, and metaverses.
I currently support proof of stake and zk infra services as a co-founder in Kintsugi Technologies, an infrastructure service provider and leads Aleo’s ecosystem development.
I began running Bitcoin miners in 2013 and supporting remittances in the Philippines with crypto. He recently led the Protocols Team at stakefish while also leading the Special Projects team at F2Pool.
I contribute extensively to the validator ecosystem and established and founded the validator working group (Validator Commons) and the Blockchain Infrastructure Forum (BIF).
I have contributed substantive work in the climate domain leading to the co-founding of the Blockchain Infrastructure Carbon Offset Working Group (BICOWG) which eventually led to the founding of the BlockchainXClimate nonprofit.
I support regional development with the establishment of Korea’s first DAO (HanDAO) supporting the Korean creator ecosystem and was awarded grants to build hyperlocalized DEXs in asia from 0x Protocol.
My work has also spanned leading an IEEE workstream on health data on blockchain and leading pilots for large pharmaceutical companies for their supply chain sample management development with permissioned blockchains.
I have also led a top 10 L1 ecosystem development team. My formal education includes degrees in Biology, Religion, and Computer Science from Swarthmore College, the University of Maryland College Park, and Johns Hopkins University. My focus in graduate school was on cryptography and distributed systems.
In bullet form:
- former Head of Protocols for stakefish validator
- helped grow validator to largest Cosmos Hub Validator
- managed, the Cosmos Hub validator specifically to support grants for early Cosmos ecosystem projects. The projects included: Chainapsis (Keplr) and Confio (Cosmwasm).
- facilitated the integration of Cosmos into Gitcoin
- created the first validator governance working group, Validator Commons
- helped coin and define areas for the Protocol Specialist role that most validators now have as a specific validator role that engages in protocol management and governance
- hosted the first formal validator meetups and continued workshops on validator ecosystems and governance
- host high signal Validator summits (Blockchain Infrastructure Forum)
- former Head of Ecosystem at Terra (ragequit in 2020 after discovering the premine and confronting Do and resigned immediately)
- currently runs Validator incubator Kintsugi Tech
- currently Heads Aleo Ecosystem managing Validators, ZK Provers, and supports BD initiatives through APAC and institutional relationships