StableLab voting rationales thread

We voted YES on prop 19. [DRC] dYdX Ecosystem Development Program (fka dYdX Grants Program)

Using community funds for this massive and important grants program will help the dYdX ecosystem in a myriad ways. Reverie has proven more than capable in handling the previous program, and we support the EDP.

We voted YES on prop 20. Adding the ICP-USD market will give traders further options to diversify.

We voted YES on prop 21. DYDX Proposal 21 - Mintscan

We support the addition of DYM-USD to dYdX Chain markets. Another hot token added, and more options for traders.

We voted YES on prop 22. Mintscan

Perfect timing to add STRK-USD to dYdX Chain Markets. This is a protocol evolving at the speed of crypto.

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