Validator Introduction - Nodefleet

  • Entity name and location*

Nodefleet S.R.L. - Dominican Republic

Telegram: @comrade1990
Discord: commander_nodefleet

  • Infrastructure Location*

Our blockchain node infrastructure is located in 3 regions. USE (America EAST ), DE (EUROPE), and SGP (Asia Singapore)

  • What kind of hardware do you run? Baremetal, cloud-based…? In what geographic regions?

We mainly run Bare-metal for our blockchain nodes in order to deliver the highest performant nodes possible (OVH, hetzner, Vutlr, redswitches, Terraswitch)

With our hardware partners and cloud providers we have presence in all regions (Tokyo, India, Singapore, US-West,US-East, Germany, Netherlands) We are also building a small data center in the Dominican Republic.

  • Technical make-up of team (elaborate on no. of dev ops engineers, experience, etc.)

3 DevOps engineer

Lowell Abbott CEO at Nodefleet
6 years of experience in devops running blockchain nodes, former Infrastructure Director of protocol team on from 2019-2022.

Kael Abbott CTO at Nodefleet
4 Years of experience in DevOps/SRE and backend experience.

Steven Martinez Infrastructure Engineer at Nodefleet
2 years of experience in DevOps/SRE

We have a team that has inherited 6 years of experience running and optimizing blockchain nodes in scale by working inside the first decentralized blockchain node launches May 23, 2022.

Currently we are running and maintaining ~25 different blockchains on 3 regions (EU/US-east/Singapore) all on optimized bare metal machines and processing around 300m-700m requests per day being redirected via a global loadbalancer to the closest region.

Some of the blockchain we support are: ETH, Polygon, bsc, Avax, Evmos, Moonriver, Moonbeam, Kava, Xdai, Base, Arb, Optimism… all in archival mode.

  • What other networks are you running validators for?

On mainnet we’re running 2 eth validators, around ~1,000 pocket servicer nodes and 44 pocket network validators.

In testnet we’re running 3 validators as well on:

  • Lava network
  • Juneo
  • Arkeo

We also are part of the core providers of nascent new testnets and other big crypto projects that are still to early to mention


ETH validators:


Pocket network validator and relay nodes

Lava network validators

DyDx validator

  • Based on your participation in any previous testnets, mainnets, are there any best practices to be aware of? What are some things that made previous testnets, mainnet launches successful and/or things to avoid that have gone poorly?

We recommend following what we consider best practices for running testnet/mainnet networks:

  • Select various crypto friendly cloud and hardware providers

  • Choose Bare metal over VPS for running nodes and other key critical components

  • Be mindful/strategic on deciding which regions to support

    • Jurisdiction and location of the services are important due to latency and regulations
  • Clear and easy deployment tooling documentation about how to run blockchain nodes and join the network

  • Clear and easy documentation for dapps/users on how to interact with testnet/mainnet networks

  • Keep Clear/active/transparent communication channels

  • Implementing an official snapshot system

  • As protocol team, have a private stagenet network exclusively for the core developers to reduce the incidences of errors on testnet and/or any other collective issue.

    • This is the perfect mimic of dev/staging/production env on any normal software development cycle
  • Invest in protocol/network monitoring and observability systems (indexers/analytics/explorers)

    • The more onchain/offchain data you have, better protocol, product and community decisions will come.
    • Same applies for monitoring software and infrastructure behavior
  • Do you have a validator voting framework and process?


  • Are you planning to play any additional roles in the dYdX ecosystem (e.g. market maker, trader, indexer, front-end, other)?

Yes, we are interested in providing our infrastructure services (see the list of services below) and help offloading DyDx or becoming part of the backup infrastructure of DyDx testnet/mainnet by providing access to optimized archival RPC nodes on EU/Asia (Tokyo) or any region requested by the DyDx team.

We also are interested in work on indexers/explorers and other key analytics system in order to empower the DyDx foundation and the DyDx internal team with on-chain/off-chain insights about the protocol in general, protocol infrastructure health, as well as protocol utility data like trading accounts/ trading behaviors/ most used lev/ most used trading pairs/ liquidations etc. among others key analytics.

  • Are there other products or services you want to highlight that could be relevant for dYdX?

  • Provide Public archival RPC node (which we already doing for testnet)

  • Provide mainnet/testnet node seeds

  • Snapshot system for DyDx nodes

    • Fresh snapshots weekly of mainnet/testnet nodes on full and archival blockchain data available through storj with historical snapshot until 3 weeks ago
  • Development of indexers/explorers/analytics systems

  • Any notable contributions in other ecosystems that you would like to highlight for the community?

We have grants with were we are maintaining their testnet network infrastructure and their mainnet seed nodes along with monitoring tools to visualize their traffic/usage/health

Infrastructure support - Testnet Experiment - Sockets - Pocket Network Forum

Regarding testnet, we provided a public testnet archival RPC service during the testnet phase for DyDX team and the community:




About explorers/indexers, we worked on a quick demo for a customized hybrid explorer on IBC/EVM for berachain among other internal customer facing systems.