StableLab voting rationales thread

We voted YES on prop 38, and approve AXL-USD as a market.
We want to point out that long-tail markets are often in great need of liquidity and market maker incentives should be developed.

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which infra provider are you guys using?


We’re running our own nodes. StableLab is the name of our dYdX validator and we’re proud to have voted on every proposal since we launched and have 100% uptime.


We voted YES on both prop 39 and prop 40 and approve AEVO-USD and ASTR-USD as new markets.

AEVO is another “hot” new token, and ASTR is one of the first of the Polkadot ecosystem that is available here.

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We voted YES on prop 41 and adding Syntehtix’ SNX-USD to the dYdX Chain markets. Great to see new markets added at the same high volume.

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Great call! I fully agree that expanding the available markets is a win-win for the dYdX platform. I’m also excited to see the impact of adding WOO-USD, PYTH-USD, and BONK-USD. PYTH and BONK in particular have a lot of buzz – let’s hope that translates into increased trading activity on the dYdX Chain. :+1:



We voted YES on prop 42, adding ARKM-USD to the markets. We think Tier 2 is an important security measure for this token (currently #168 in terms of mcap).


We voted YES on prop 43. Making more complex trades possible on Tier 2 markets empowers traders, which will help attract demand for liquidity and, in turn, market makers to fill that demand.

We voted NO on prop 44. While the proposal has a lot of merit, the community hasn’t been given enough time and space for feedback. A couple of pertinent objections were raised but not addressed.

We can not support the proposal in its current form but would very much like to support it in a modified version that takes community feedback to heart.

The best possible solution would likely be a community-led delegation program with clear, transparent, and decentralized decision-making on which validators to include and how to allocate stakes. This would truly maximize economic security, empower the community, and accrue the maximum potential rewards to the community fund.

But first and foremost, we voted NO because we believe the community has not been adequately heard. StableLab is a champion for decentralization everywhere it operates. DAOs thrive or perish on the merits of its community. It should be empowered or at least heard at every possible opportunity, and especially if a significant portion of community funds is being considered.


We voted YES on prop 45. We approve simplifying the legal structure around the dYdX Operations subDAO.

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We voted YES on prop 46. We are excited about this upgrade, especially the possibilities that x/authz will open for governance. It could unlock delegation and help in decentralizing decision making throughout.

We voted YES on prop 47.

While a fully-fledged community-centered staking program would be even better, we think pStake went above and beyond to integrate community feedback. pStake also has an algorithmic validator choice that is fair and unbiased, and the smaller size of this program means it’s a good experiment with liquid staking providers.

We voted ABSTAIN on prop 48.

Since StableLab proposed the STBP grant program, we feel it would be inappropriate to vote YES here. That said, we believe dYdX would benefit handsomely from its implementation, boosting decentralization and empowering the community.


We voted NO on prop 49.

We would prefer to have a community-centered staking proposal, as suggested by Antonio.

Given that pStake offered a smaller liquid staking program with no fees, we think this experiment is preferable.


We voted YES on prop 50.

There are no-brainers and there are must dos. This is the second kind. Emphatic YES to adding dYdX-USD to dYdX Chain markets.

We voted YES on prop 51.

We approve the third distribution of launch incentives. Looking forward to a potential extension of the program.

We voted YES on prop 52.

We approve the addition of Chiliz to the dYdX chain incentives.
Chiliz is a sports and entertainment-focused blockchain and has developed a dedicated following in the past years.

Given that longer tail markets have low liquidity, we think the chain needs further incentives to attract market makers.

We voted YES on prop 53.

Looking forward to this software upgrade and fully in support.

We voted YES on prop 54.

We appreciate the work of @chaoslabs and hope this extension will focus more on market makers for long-tail assets and governance.

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We voted YES on prop 55.

How has this not been listed yet? YES wif hat to adding WIF-USD.

We voted YES on prop 56 and prop 57 - adding two new markets.